Donations Archive

FCRA Prior Permission Granted

Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (India) applied for FCRA prior permission in April 2011, to receive GBP 750,000 from Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (Birmingham, UK), for our proposed work in Patna Sahib. Permission was finally granted on 29th May 2015.

Please click here to view the permission letter.

Intimation of Quarterly Receipt of Foreign Contribution

As per circular F.No.II.21022/23(76)/2015-FCRA-III dated 3rd March 2016 and applicable Foreign Contribution Act and Rules, please find below intimation of quarterly receipt of foreign contribution. All foreign contribution donations, which collectively total GBP 750,000, have been received from Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (Birmingham, UK).

11th August 2015GBP 250,000
7th October 2015GBP 100,000
22nd December 2015GBP 200,000
25th January 2016GBP 100,000
14th March 2016GBP 100,000
TotalGBP 750,000